T-2 Toxin

Common trichothecene mycotoxin, which can infect grain crops causing alimentary toxic aleukia in humans and animals. Inhibits DNA and RNA synthesis in vivo and in vitro and can induce apoptosis. In vivo the compound rapidly metabolizes to HT-2 mycotoxin (a major metabolite). Inhibits protein synthesis through its high binding affinity to peptidyl transferase, which is an integral part of the 60S ribosomal subunit, resulting in activation of JNK/p38 MAPKs. Interferes with the metabolism of membrane phospholipids and increases liver lipid peroxides. Increases blood-brain barrier permeability and inhibits monoamine oxidase activity in brain. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) inducer.

Price Not Available 5 mg T-2 Toxin Supplier Page
Catalog Number AG-CN2-0473-M005
Alternative Name(s) Epoxytrichothecene; Fusariotoxin T-2; Insariotoxin; Mycotoxin T-2; NSC 138780
Research Area Apoptosis, Immunology, Inflammation, Natural Products, Neurobiology
Molecular Formula C24H34O9
CAS# 21259-20-1
Purity >98%
Inchi InChI=1S/C24H34O9/c1-12(2)7-18(27)32-16-9-23(10-29-14(4)25)17(8-13(16)3)33-21-19(28)20(31-15(5)26)22(23,6)24(21)11-30-24/h8,12,16-17,19-21,28H,7,9-11H2,1-6H3/t16-,17+,19+,20-,21+,22+,23+,24-/m0/s1
SMILES [H][C@@]12O[C@]3([H])C=C(C)[C@H](C[C@]3(COC(C)=O)[C@@](C)([C@H](OC(C)=O)[C@H]1O)[C@]21CO1)OC(=O)CC(C)C
Size 5 mg
Supplier Page http://www.adipogen.com/ag-cn2-0473/t-2-toxin.html