TAPI-1 5mg | Purity Not Available
Selleck Chemicals
TAPI-1 is an ADAM17/TACE inhibitor, which blocks shedding of cytokine receptors. TAPI-1 is also an inhibitor of Matrix Metalloproteinase (MMP).
More Information Supplier PageTAPI-1 is an ADAM17/TACE inhibitor, which blocks shedding of cytokine receptors. TAPI-1 is also an inhibitor of Matrix Metalloproteinase (MMP).
More Information Supplier PageSB-3CT is an effective and selective gelatinase inhibitor with Ki of 13.9 nM and 600 nM for MMP-2 and MMP-9, respectively.
More Information Supplier PageSB-3CT is an effective and selective gelatinase inhibitor with Ki of 13.9 nM and 600 nM for MMP-2 and MMP-9, respectively.
More Information Supplier PageMI-2 (MALT1 inhibitor) is an irreversible MALT1 inhibitor with IC50 of 5.84 μM.
More Information Supplier PageZ-FA-FMK ((1S)-Z-FA-FMK) is an irreversible cysteine protease inhibitor, and also inhibits effector caspases.
More Information Supplier PageLoxistatin Acid (E-64C, NSC 694279, EP 475), a derivative of E-64, is an irreversible and membrane-permeant cysteine protease inhibitor. The cysteine protease cathepsin L is required for SARS-CoV-2 viral entry.
More Information Supplier PageAloxistatin (E64d) is an irreversible and membrane-permeable cysteine protease inhibitor with blood platelet aggregation inhibiting activity. The cysteine protease cathepsin L is required for SARS-CoV-2 viral entry, and aloxistatin treatment reduced cellular entry of SARS-CoV-2 pseudovirions by 92.3%.
More Information Supplier PageAloxistatin (E64d) is an irreversible and membrane-permeable cysteine protease inhibitor with blood platelet aggregation inhibiting activity. The cysteine protease cathepsin L is required for SARS-CoV-2 viral entry, and aloxistatin treatment reduced cellular entry of SARS-CoV-2 pseudovirions by 92.3%.
More Information Supplier PageCalpeptin is a potent, cell-permeable calpain inhibitor with ID50 of 52 nM, 34 nM, 138 nM, and 40 nM for Calpain I (porcine erythrocytes), Calpain II (porcine kidney), Papainb, and Calpain I (human platelets), respectively. Calpeptin attenuates apoptosis and intracellular inflammatory changes in muscle cells.
More Information Supplier PageCalpeptin is a potent, cell-permeable calpain inhibitor with ID50 of 52 nM, 34 nM, 138 nM, and 40 nM for Calpain I (porcine erythrocytes), Calpain II (porcine kidney), Papainb, and Calpain I (human platelets), respectively. Calpeptin attenuates apoptosis and intracellular inflammatory changes in muscle cells.
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