Biotin-PEG-triethoxysilane (MW 2000)

Biotin-PEG-triethoxysilane (MW 2000) is a polyethylene glycol (PEG) derivative functionalized with triethoxysilane and biotin moieties. This compound serves as a PEG-based linker for PROTAC synthesis, facilitating the targeted degradation of proteins of interest.

Catalog Number T17554
Research Area Others
CAS# T17554
SMILES O=C(NCCC[Si](OCC)(OCC)OCC)NCCOCCNC(CCCC[C@@H]1SC[C@]([C@]1([H])N2)([H])NC2=O)=O.[n].[MW 2000]
Size 100 mg
Supplier Page (MW 2000)
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