Mannosamine–desthiobiotin adduct | MedChemExpress (MCE)

Mannosamine-desthiobiotin adduct (compound MDTBA) is a carrier immunogenicity-reducing hapten that reduces the immunogenicity of protein carriers upon conjugation to available free amines on the carrier protein surface. Conjugation of Mannosamine-desthiobiotin adduct to hsIgG significantly (>1-fold) reduced the immunogenicity of hsIgG. Mannosamine-desthiobiotin adduct can be used in antigen design research[1].

Trivial name Mannosamine–desthiobiotin adduct
Catalog Number HY-157174
Research Area Inflammation/Immunology
Purity ≥98.00%
SMILES OC[C@@H]1[C@H]([C@@H]([C@H]([C@@H](O1)O)NC(CCCCCC2C(C)NC(N2)=O)=O)O)O
PubChem Chemical Structure ID 169494120
Size 1 mg
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