Ac-Ala-Asn-Trp-AMC (Ac-ANW-AMC)

Ac-ANW-AMC is a fluorogenic peptide substrate and used for measuring chymotrypsin-like activity of the immunoproteasome.This substrate is specific to the immunoproteasome, and is not hydrolyzed efficiently by the constitutive proteasome. Cleavage of this peptide by the immunoproteasome or other enzymes liberates the fluorophore AMC causing a strong fluorescent signal which is detected at an Excitation wavelength of 345nm and Emission wavelength of 445nm.

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Catalog Number R0951
Alternative Name(s) Ac-ANW-AMC
Research Area Ac-ANW-AMC (Acetyl-Ala-Asn-Trp-AMC) is a 7-amino-4-methylcoumarin labeled fluorogenic peptidyl substrate hydrolyzed by the β5i subunit of the 20S immunoproteasome.
Molecular Formula C30H32N6O7
Purity >99%
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