α-Ethyl-3-hydroxy-2,4,6-triiodohydrocinnamic acid

α-Ethyl-3-hydroxy-2,4,6-triiodohydrocinnamic acid (Iophenoxic acid ) is an organic, iodine-containing compound. Iophenoxic acid is an iodinated radiocontrast agent, its clinical use has been withdrawn due to its exceptionally long half-life in the body, since it has high-affinity binding to human serum albumin (HSA). Structural basis of its interaction with HSA has been evaluated.

Catalog Number CBB1121195
Alternative Name(s) Iophenoxic acid
Molecular Formula HOC6H(I)3CH2CH(C2H5)CO2H
CAS# 96-84-4
Purity >97%
Inchi 1S/C11H11I3O3/c1-2-5(11(16)17)3-6-7(12)4-8(13)10(15)9(6)14/h4-5,15H,2-3H2,1H3,(H,16,17)
SMILES CCC(Cc1c(I)cc(I)c(O)c1I)C(O)=O
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Supplier Page https://www.amerigoscientific.com/ethyl-3-hydroxy-246-triiodohydrocinnamic-acid-item-121195.html