m-PEG-NHS ester (MW 40000) | MedChemExpress (MCE)

m-PEG-NHS ester (MW 40000) can be used to modify active molecules and improve their antigenicity, immunogenicity, and help prepare injection preparations. The modification of serine protease lumbrokinase (LK) by m-PEG-NHS ester does not affect its strong fibrinolytic and thrombolytic activities, and has good application prospects[1].

Trivial name m-PEG-NHS ester (MW 40000)
Catalog Number HY-157745
Alternative Name(s) mPEG-SC (MW 40000); mPEG-Succinimidyl ester (MW 40000)
Research Area Others
CAS# 92451-01-9
Purity ≥98.0%
Size 250 mg
Supplier Page https://www.medchemexpress.com/m-peg-nhs-ester-mw-40000.html