4-Biphenylyl isocyanate

4-Biphenylyl isocyanate, also known as 4-isocyanatobiphenyl, is an aryl isocyanate. Its enthalpy of vaporization at boiling point has been reported. Its density and refractive index are 1. 1266g/cm3 and 1. 6060, respectively at 25°C.

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Catalog Number CBB1120595
Molecular Formula C₆H₅C₆H₄NCO
CAS# 92-95-5
Purity >97%
Inchi 1S/C13H9NO/c15-10-14-13-8-6-12(7-9-13)11-4-2-1-3-5-11/h1-9H
SMILES O=C=Nc1ccc(cc1)-c2ccccc2
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Supplier Page https://www.amerigoscientific.com/4-biphenylyl-isocyanate-item-120595.html