
Peginesatide is a synthetic peptide attached to polyethylene glycol for the treatment of anemia. The polyethylene glycol moiety helps make the drug less immunogenic and prolongs its plasma half-life. Chemically, peginesatide is designed to mimic the pharmacological activity of erythropoietin, but is not a replica of the structure itself. Peginesatide consists of two 21-amino acid chains that are covalently bonded by a linker derived from iminodiacetic acid and β-alanine.

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Catalog Number 10-101-162
Alternative Name(s) AF37702,AF 37702,Hematide,HSDB 8181,Peginesatide,UNII-JX56W9N61Q
Research Area Treatment of anemia associated with chronic kidney disease
Molecular Formula C233H352N62O60S6
CAS# 913976-27-9
Purity >95%
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