
Cytochrome P450 metabolism of polyunsaturated fatty acids produces numerous bioactive epoxide regioisomers. (±)10(11)-EpDPA is a docosahexaenoic acid epoxygenase metabolite, derived via epoxidation of the 10,11-double bond of DHA. It has been detected in rat brain and spinal cord, as well as human serum, and acts as a substrate for soluble epoxide hydrolase with a Km value of 5.1 μM. (±)10(11)-EpDPA and other epoxy metabolites of DHA are reported to demonstrate antihyperalgesic activity in inflammatory and neuropathic pain models and to potently inhibit angiogenesis and tumor growth in in vitro assays.

Price Not Available 1 mg (±)10(11)-EpDPA Supplier Page
Catalog Number T35493
Molecular Formula C22H32O3
CAS# 895127-65-8
Size 1 mg
Supplier Page https://www.targetmol.com/compound/(±)10(11)-epdpa
Additional Information https://www.targetmol.com/datasheet/T35493