
Cytochrome P450 metabolism of polyunsaturated fatty acids produces numerous bioactive epoxide regioisomers. (±)13(14)-EpDPA is a docosahexaenoic acid epoxygenase metabolite, derived via epoxidation of the 13,14-double bond of DHA. It has been detected in rat brain and spinal cord and is a preferred substrate for soluble epoxide hydrolase with a Km value of 3.2 μM. (±)13(14)-EpDPA demonstrates antihyperalgesic activity in inflammatory and neuropathic pain models. (±)13(14)-EpDPA and other epoxy metabolites of DHA are also reported to potently inhibit angiogenesis and tumor growth in in vitro assays.

Price Not Available 1 mg (±)13(14)-EpDPA Supplier Page
Catalog Number T35496
Molecular Formula C22H32O3
CAS# 895127-64-7
Size 1 mg
Supplier Page https://www.targetmol.com/compound/(±)13(14)-epdpa
Additional Information https://www.targetmol.com/datasheet/T35496