LyP-2 | MedChemExpress (MCE)

LyP-2 is a peptide that homes to tumor lymphatics. LyP2 homes to lymphatics of C8161 melanomas and cervical carcinomas and K14-HPV16 skin, but not to MDA-MB435 tumors, showing heterogeneity in the molecular markers of tumor cells and lymphatics[1].

Trivial name LyP-2
Catalog Number HY-P4088
Research Area Cancer
CAS# 850859-24-4
Purity ≥98.00%
SMILES O=C(N[C@@H](CC(N)=O)C(N[C@@H](CCCNC(N)=N)C(N[C@@H](CCCNC(N)=N)C(N[C@@H]([C@H](O)C)C(N[C@@H](CCCCN)C(N[C@@H](C)C(NCC(N[C@@H](CS)C(O)=O)=O)=O)=O)=O)=O)=O)=O)[C@H](CS)N
PubChem Chemical Structure ID 166642675
Size 1 mg
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