β-Sitosterol 50mg

β-sitosterol reduces blood levels of cholesterol, and is sometimes used in treating hypercholesterolemia. β-Sitosterol inhibits cholesterol absorption in the intestine. When the sterol is absorbed in the intestine, it is transported by lipoproteins and incorporated into the cellular membrane.

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Trivial name β-Sitosterol 50mg
Catalog Number A11015-50
Alternative Name(s) 24-Ethylcholest-5-en-3beta-ol; alpha-Dihydrofucosterol; 22,23-Dihydrostigmasterol; 24beta-Ethylcholesterol; 5-Stigmasten-3beta-ol
Molecular Formula C29H50O
CAS# 83-46-5
SMILES CC[C@H](CC[C@@H](C)[C@H]1CC[C@@H]2[C@@]1(CC[C@H]3[C@H]2CC=C4[C@@]3(CC[C@@H](C4)O)C)C)C(C)C
Size 50mg
Supplier Page http://www.adooq.com/beta-sitosterol.html