Ethyl (3-Hydroxyphenyl)Carbamate

Ethyl (3-Hydroxyphenyl)carbamate is a carbonyl group that is produced by the hydrolysis of triticum aestivum. This product has been shown to have a synergistic interaction with retroflexus and bioassay, an imaging technique used to measure the photosynthetic activity of plants. Ethyl (3-Hydroxyphenyl)carbamate has low light fluorescence properties, which are useful for the detection of sugarbeet in low light conditions. The symptoms of ethyl (3-hydroxyphenyl)carbamate exposure include a constant and acceptor, which is a molecule or atom that accepts electrons from an electron donor in chemical reactions. Ethyl (3-hydroxyphenyl)carbamate can react with proton to form arvensis, a sugar found in sugarbeets.

Catalog Number ABA-070
CAS# 7159-96-8
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