Colominic acid sodium salt

Colominic acid sodium salt, also known as polysialic acid sodium salt, is naturally isolated from the cell wall of Escherichia coli and animals. It exhibits a red color with an absorption maximum of 530 nm and possesses anti-bacterial activity.

Price Not Available 100 mg Colominic acid sodium salt Supplier Page
Catalog Number T40814
Alternative Name(s) Polysialic acid sodium salt , Colominic acid sodium salt
Molecular Formula C11H20NNa3O7
CAS# 70431-34-4
SMILES [Na+].[Na+].[Na+].CC(=O)N[C@@H]1[C@@H](O)CC(O[CH]CO)OC1[C@H](O)CO
Size 100 mg
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