Lauric anhydride | MedChemExpress (MCE)

Lauric anhydride is a white waxy solid used as an intermediate in the production of various chemicals. It is primarily used in the synthesis of surfactants, emulsifiers, and lubricants, and as a raw material for other important industrial chemicals such as plasticizers and flavoring agents. It can be obtained from natural sources such as palm kernel oil and coconut oil, and its unique chemical structure allows it to be used to create compounds with specific surface and interfacial properties.

Trivial name Lauric anhydride
Catalog Number HY-W099600
Alternative Name(s) Bisdodecanoic anhydride
Research Area Others
CAS# 645-66-9
Purity ≥98.00%
PubChem Chemical Structure ID 69527
Size 25 g
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