7ACC1 (D 142) selectively affects a single part of the MCT symporter translocation cycle, leading to strict inhibition of lactate influx. This singular activity is associated with antitumor effects less prone to resistance and side effects.

Price Not Available 50 mg 7ACC1 Supplier Page
Catalog Number T5845
Alternative Name(s) DEAC , Coumarin D 1421 , 7-(Diethylamino)coumarin-3-carboxylic acid , D 1421
Research Area Membrane transporter/Ion channel
Molecular Formula C14H15NO4
CAS# 50995-74-9
Purity 98.00%
SMILES CCN(CC)c1ccc2cc(C(O)=O)c(=O)oc2c1
Size 50 mg
Supplier Page https://www.targetmol.com/compound/7ACC1
Additional Information https://www.targetmol.com/datasheet/T5845