
3-Hydroxy-4-methyl-2(3H)-thiazolethione (HMTT) is a cyclic thiohydroxamic acid. It forms divalent complexes with the first-row d-block elements Co-Zn. Hydrated form of HMTT exhibits enhanced thermal stability and solubility compared with the anhydrous form. HMTT possess a chelating unit similar to pyrithione. Solid state chemistry of HMTT and its complexes with d-block elements has been reported.

Catalog Number CBB1134593
Alternative Name(s) 2-Mercapto-4-methylthiazole 3-oxide
Molecular Formula C4H5NOS2
CAS# 49762-08-5
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Supplier Page https://www.amerigoscientific.com/3-hydroxy-4-methyl-23h-thiazolethione-item-134593.html