Zalypsis | MedChemExpress (MCE)

Zalypsis (PM00104) has anti-tumor activity. Zalypsis binds to DNA and shows cytotoxicity. Zalypsis inhibits cell cycle and transcription, and leads to double stranded DNA breaks[1][2].

Trivial name Zalypsis
Catalog Number HY-16401
Alternative Name(s) PM00104
Research Area Cancer
CAS# 308359-57-1
Purity ≥98.00%
SMILES O=C(NC[C@H]1C2=C3C(OCO3)=C(C)C(OC(C)=O)=C2C[C@]4([H])N1[C@@H](O)[C@@]5([H])N(C)[C@]4([H])C6=C(C5)C=C(C)C(OC)=C6O)/C=C/C7=CC(C(F)(F)F)=CC=C7
PubChem Chemical Structure ID 16061448
Size 1 mg
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