ε-Poly-L-lysine (MW 3800-4200) | MedChemExpress (MCE)

Epsilon-polylysine is an antimicrobial peptide that can be produced by bacteria such as Streptomyces. Epsilon-polylysine inhibits the growth of microorganisms such as bacteria, yeasts and molds and is therefore often used as a green food additive and preservative in various food and beverage products. Epsilon-polylysine has a variety of properties, including thermal stability, resistance to acidic conditions, and broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity. Epsilon-polylysine can be loaded on other materials to form nanoparticles or form nanofiber membranes for targeted delivery to exert sustained antibacterial efficacy. Epsilon-polylysine is also used as a liposome stabilizer[1][2][3][4].

Trivial name ε-Poly-L-lysine (MW 3800-4200)
Catalog Number HY-W250308
Alternative Name(s) Epsilon-polylysine; ε-Polylysine; ε-PL
Research Area Others
CAS# 28211-04-3
Purity 99.00%
Size 5 g
Supplier Page https://www.medchemexpress.com/epsilon-polylysine.html