
Falcarindiol (FAD, (3R,8S)-Falcarindiol, FaDOH) is a natural polyacetylene compound found rich in many plants of the Umbelliferae family. Falcarindiol suppresses LPS-stimulated expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β). Falcarindiol attenuates the LPS-induced activation of JNK, ERK, STAT1, and STAT3 signaling molecules.

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Trivial name FAD, (3R,8S)-Falcarindiol, FaDOH
Catalog Number S3292
Molecular Formula C17H24O2
CAS# 225110-25-8
Size 5mg
Supplier Page http://www.selleckchem.com/products/falcarindiol.html
Additional Information https://file.selleck.cn/downloads/struct/s3292-falcarindiol-chemical-structure.gif