Kasugamycin hydrochloride hydrate

Kasugamycin (Ksg) hydrochloride hydrate, an antibiotic which binds both the 30S and 70S ribosome, specifically inhibits translation initiation of canonical but not of leaderless messenger RNAs.

Trivial name Ksg hydrochloride hydrate
Catalog Number S5968
Molecular Formula C14H28ClN3O10
CAS# 200132-83-8
Inchi #N/A
Inchi Key #N/A
Size 5mg
Supplier Page http://www.selleckchem.com/products/kasugamycin-hydrochloride-hydrate.html
Additional Information https://file.selleck.cn/downloads/struct/s5968-kasugamycin-hydrochloride-hydrate-chemical-structure.gif