Pristane| ChemScene

Pristane (Norphytane) is a naturally occurring hydrocarbon oil found in small quantities in many plants, in various marine organisms, and as the most active component of mineral oil. Pristane is a non-antigenic adjuvant, and induces MHC class II-restricted, arthritogenic T cells in the rat[2].In Vitro: Pristane activates CD4+ αβT cells that are MHC class II restricted and arthritogenic.In Vivo: Pristane activates CD4+ alpha beta T cells that are MHC class II restricted and arthritogenic in vivo[2].

Price Not Available 783mg Pristane| ChemScene Supplier Page
Trivial name Pristane
Catalog Number CS-0138139
Alternative Name(s) Norphytane
Molecular Formula 268.52
CAS# 1921-70-6
Purity >98%
Condensed Formula C19H40
Size 783mg
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