β-Secretase Inhibitor I

β-Secretase Inhibitor I is a highly potent inhibitor of the β-secretase enzyme. This compound exhibits exceptional inhibitory activity while also demonstrating a significant reduction in cardiovascular and liver toxicity.

Price Not Available 5 mg β-Secretase Inhibitor I Supplier Page
Catalog Number T39251
Molecular Formula C18H18F3N5O2S
CAS# 1818239-19-8
SMILES C[C@H]1SC(N)=N[C@@](C)([C@H]1F)c1cc(NC(=O)c2cnc(OCF)cn2)ccc1F |c:4|
Size 5 mg
Supplier Page https://www.targetmol.com/compound/β-secretase_inhibitor_i
Additional Information https://www.targetmol.com/datasheet/T39251