Endothelin-2, human 0.05mg

Endothelin-2, human, endogenous peptide found predominately in the kidney and intestine. Displays similar selectivity for ETA and ETB endothelin receptors.

Price Not Available 0.05mg Endothelin-2, human 0.05mg Supplier Page
Trivial name Endothelin-2, human 0.05mg
Catalog Number A14894-0.05
Alternative Name(s) H-Cys-Ser-Cys-Ser-Ser-Trp-Leu-Asp-Lys-Glu-Cys-Val-Tyr-Phe-Cys-His-Leu-Asp-Ile-Ile-Trp-Oh
Molecular Formula C115H160N26O32S4
CAS# 123562-20-9
Size 0.05mg
Supplier Page http://www.adooq.com/endothelin-2-human.html