Cerdulatinib (PRT062070)

Cerdulatinib (PRT062070, PRT2070) is an oral active, multi-targeted tyrosine kinase inhibitor with IC50 of 12 nM/6 nM/8 nM/0.5 nM and 32 nM for JAK1/JAK2/JAK3/TYK2 and Syk, respectively, also inhibits19 other tested kinases with IC50 less than 200 nM.

Price Not Available 5mg Cerdulatinib (PRT062070) Supplier Page
Trivial name PRT2070
Catalog Number S3566
Molecular Formula C20H27N7O3S
CAS# 1198300-79-6
Inchi #N/A
Inchi Key #N/A
Size 5mg
Supplier Page http://www.selleckchem.com/products/cerdulatinib.html
Additional Information https://file.selleck.cn/downloads/struct/s3566-cerdulatinib-chemical-structure.gif