IXA4, a highly selective, non-toxic IRE1/XBP1s activator, activates IRE1/XBP1s signaling without globally activating the unfolded protein response (UPR) or other stress-responsive signaling pathways, and reduces secretion of amyloid precursor protein (APP) through IRE1 activation, preventing APP-associated mitochondrial dysfunction.

Price Not Available 100mg IXA4 Supplier Page
Catalog Number S9797
Molecular Formula C₂₄H₂₈N₄O₄
CAS# 1185329-96-7
Inchi #N/A
Inchi Key #N/A
Size 100mg
Supplier Page http://www.selleckchem.com/products/ixa4.html
Additional Information https://file.selleck.cn/downloads/struct/s9797-ixa4-chemical-structure.gif