
3,4,4′-Trichlorocarbanilide(TCC) is employed as bacteriostat and antimicrobial agent in bar soaps, cosmetics and other personal care prducts.TCC is a toxic, persistent and potentially bioaccumulative polychlorinated binuclear aromatic urea pesticide.

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Catalog Number CDC10-0350
Research Area Used for research and manufacturing
Molecular Formula C13H9Cl3N2O
CAS# 101-20-2
Purity 99.0%
Inchi 1S/C13H9Cl3N2O/c14-8-1-3-9(4-2-8)17-13(19)18-10-5-6-11(15)12(16)7-10/h1-7H,(H2,17,18,19)
SMILES Clc1ccc(NC(=O)Nc2ccc(Cl)c(Cl)c2)cc1
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