Terephthaloyl chloride

Terephthaloyl chloride undergoes condensation reaction with difunctional α,ω-diaminopolystyrene to yield chain-extended polystyrene containing amide bonds along the polymer backbone. It undergoes interfacial reaction with bovine serum albumin to form thin cross-linked films.

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Catalog Number CBB1112141
Molecular Formula C6H4-1,4-(COCl)2
CAS# 100-20-9
Purity >99%
Inchi 1S/C8H4Cl2O2/c9-7(11)5-1-2-6(4-3-5)8(10)12/h1-4H
SMILES ClC(=O)c1ccc(cc1)C(Cl)=O
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Supplier Page https://www.amerigoscientific.com/terephthaloyl-chloride-item-112141.html