Creative Peptides

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Creative Peptides is specialized in the process development and the manufacturing of bioactive peptides. We are dedicated to offering custom peptide synthesis, process development, GMP manufacturing as well as catalog products for customers in industry and research area. Creative Peptides is staffed by scientific teams with experts in the field of peptide technology, antibodies and synthetic chemistry. Our extensive expertise is translated into high quality products and world-class services to ensure the maximum satisfaction of the customers.

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OVA (323-339), amide Inquiry  | >95%

Creative Peptides

This peptide is amino acids 323 to 339 amidated fragment of ovalbumin (OVA), the H-2b-restricted OVA class II epitope. This peptide is recognized by many T cells because it contains multiple T cell epitopes. This OVA fragment contains a nested set of CD4+ T cell epitopes. OVA 323 to 339 can be presented by I-Ad […]

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OVA (329 – 337) AAHAEINEA Inquiry  | >95%

Creative Peptides

This sequence is OVA (ovalbumin) peptide residues 257 to 280, also known as OT-II (OVA-specific T-cell receptor) peptide, the core H2b-restricted class II MHC epitope.

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OVA G4 peptide Inquiry  | >95%

Creative Peptides

OVA G4 peptide is a variant of the agonist ovalbumin peptide SIINFEKL (OVA) (257-264). SIINFEKL is routinely used to stimulate ovalbumin-specific T cells and to test new vaccine adjuvants can form a stable hydrogel.

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OVA Peptide (257-264) TFA Inquiry  | >95%

Creative Peptides

OVA Peptide (257-264) TFA is a class I (Kb)-restricted peptide epitope of OVA, an octameric peptide from ovalbumin presented by the class I MHC molecule, H-2Kb.

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OVA Peptide 257-264 Inquiry  | >98%

Creative Peptides

OVA Peptide (257-264) is a class I (Kb)-restricted peptide epitope of OVA, an octameric peptide from ovalbumin presented by the class I MHC molecule, H-2Kb.

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OVA Peptide 323-339 Inquiry  | >95%

Creative Peptides

OVA Peptide (323-339) represents a T and B cell epitope of Ovalbumin (Ova), which is important in the generation and development of immediate hypersensitivity responses in BALB/c mice.

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OXA (17-33) Inquiry  | >97%

Creative Peptides

Orexin A (17-33), truncated form of orexin A, acts as potent and selective peptide orexin OX1 receptor antagonist.

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Oxytocin Acetate Inquiry  | >95%

Creative Peptides

An intravenous infusion of oxytocin is used to induce labor and to support labor in case of slow childbirth.Oxytocin is also used in veterinary medicine to facilitate birth and to stimulate milk release.

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Ozarelix Acetate Inquiry  | >95%

Creative Peptides

Ozarelix Acetate is a decapeptide LHRH antagonist. It reversibly and dose-dependently suppresses gonadotropin and sex steroid levels by inhibiting the binding of endogenous LHRH to its receptors.

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