Amerigo Scientific

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With years of experience in the life sciences, Amerigo Scientific has integrated global cutting-edge technology resources to provide the latest technological equipment, instruments, biological products, and custom services for research institutions and enterprises in the biological, chemical, pharmaceutical, medical, and other industries.

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4-(1-Pyrrolidinyl)piperidine Inquiry  | >95%

Amerigo Scientific

4-(1-Pyrrolidinyl)piperidine (4-pypp) has been reported to form Hofmann type complexes [M(4-pypp)2Ni(CN)4] (M=Ni or Co) and their FT-IR and Raman spectra have been studied. FT-IR, Raman spectra and the vibrational spectra of 4-pypp have been recorded between 4000 and 400cm-1.

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