LDC195943 (IMT1)

LDC195943 (IMT1) is a specific and noncompetitive inhibitor of human mitochondrial RNA polymerase (POLRMT). IMT1 causes a conformational change of POLRMT, which blocks substrate binding and transcription in a dose-dependent way in vitro. IMT1 reduces deoxynucleoside triphosphate levels and citric acid cycle intermediates, resulting in a marked depletion of cellular amino acid levels. IMT1 has the potential for mitochondrial transcription disorders related diseases.

Price Not Available 5mg LDC195943 (IMT1) Supplier Page
Trivial name IMT1
Catalog Number E0443
Molecular Formula C₂₁H₂₁NO₄
CAS# 2304621-31-4
Size 5mg
Supplier Page http://www.selleckchem.com/products/ldc195943-imt1.html
Additional Information https://file.selleck.cn/downloads/struct/e0443-LDC195943-IMT1-chemical-structure.png