Yohimbine-d3| ChemScene

Yohimbine-d3 is the deuterium labeled Yohimbine (HY-12715).In Vitro:Stable heavy isotopes of hydrogen, carbon, and other elements have been incorporated into drug molecules, largely as tracers for quantitation during the drug development process. Deuteration has gained attention because of its potential to affect the pharmacokinetic and metabolic profiles of drugs.

Price Not Available 5mg Yohimbine-d3| ChemScene Supplier Page
Trivial name Yohimbine-d3
Catalog Number CS-0645501
Molecular Formula 357.46
CAS# 133146-00-6
Purity >98%
Condensed Formula C21H23D3N2O3
Size 5mg
Supplier Page www.chemscene.com/133146-00-6.html