Sudan Black B| ChemScene

Sudan Black B, a fat-soluble diazo dye, is a histochemical stain. Sudan Black B can be used for staining of neutral triglycerides and lipids.In Vitro: Sudan Black B works also in frozen material, and therefore can be complementarily used with SA-β-gal when investigating senescence. Sudan Black B is a highly lipophilic agent that exhibits high affi nity to the lipid compartment of lipofuscin. The positive Sudan Black B-lipofuscin reaction reveals blue-black intracellular granules in cells and frozen tissues and brown to black granules in FFPE tissues under the light microscope.

Trivial name Sudan Black B
Catalog Number CS-0010125
Molecular Formula 456.54
CAS# 4197-25-5
Purity >98%
Condensed Formula C29H24N6
Size 5g
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