[(2-Furanylmethyl)Sulfinyl]-Acetic Acid

[(2-Furanylmethyl)sulfinyl]-acetic acid is an anti-aging agent that belongs to the class of silicone compounds. It can be cross-linked with zinc methacrylate to form a high-temperature resistant, silicone polymer. [(2-Furanylmethyl)sulfinyl]-acetic acid has been shown to interact with amides and fatty acids, preventing the production of peroxides at higher temperatures. This compound also has anti-inflammatory properties and can be used as a skin protectant.

Catalog Number ABA-072
CAS# 108499-26-9
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Supplier Page https://www.agingclocks.com/2-furanylmethylsulfinyl-acetic-acid-item-1942.html