β-Glucuronide-dPBD-PEG5-NH2 TFA

β-Glucuronide-dPBD-PEG5-NH2 TFA is the β-glucuronide-linked pyrrolobenzodiazepine dimer, which binds to the prenylated antibody for synthesis of antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) cIRCR201-dPBD.β-glucuronide-linkage as a cleavable linker. β-Glucuronide-dPBD-PEG5-NH2 TFA, as a proagent of cIRCR201-dPBD, reduces side effects. β-Glucuronide-dPBD-PEG5-NH2 TFA can induce apoptosis and arrest cell cycle. β-Glucuronide-dPBD-PEG5-NH2 TFA has antitumor activity [1] .

Catalog Number T74438
Molecular Formula C80H102F3N7O37
CAS# 2246364-63-4
Size 50 mg
Supplier Page https://www.targetmol.com/compound/β-glucuronide-dpbd-peg5-nh2_tfa
Additional Information https://www.targetmol.com/datasheet/T74438