(+/-)- Adomeglivant

(+/-)- Adomeglivant, also known as LY2409021, is a potent and selective glucagon receptor antagonist. LY2409021 lowers blood glucose in healthy people and in those with type 2 diabetes. Blockade of glucagon signalling in patients with type 2 diabetes is well tolerated and results in substantial reduction of fasting and postprandial glucose with minimal hypoglycaemia, but with reversible increases in aminotransferases. Inhibition of glucagon signalling by LY2409021 is a promising potential treatment for patients with type 2 diabetes and should be evaluated in longer clinical trials to better evaluate benefits and risks.

Price Not Available 50 mg (+/-)- Adomeglivant Supplier Page
Catalog Number T68471
Molecular Formula C32H36F3NO4
CAS# 872260-47-4
Size 50 mg
Supplier Page https://www.targetmol.com/compound/(+_-)-_adomeglivant
Additional Information https://www.targetmol.com/datasheet/T68471