(2-Aminoethyl)phosphonic acid

(2-Aminoethyl)phosphonic acid belongs to the class of organic compounds known as organic phosphonic acids. (2-Aminoethyl)phosphonic acid has been primarily detected in urine. (2-Aminoethyl)phosphonic acid participates in a number of enzymatic reactions. In particular, (2-Aminoethyl)phosphonic acid can be biosynthesized from phosphonic acid. (2-Aminoethyl)phosphonic acid is also a parent compound for other transformation products, including but not limited to, ceramide 2-(methylamino)ethylphosphonate, N-(2-phosphonoethyl)cholamide, and CMP-2-aminoethylphosphonate.

Price Not Available 200 mg (2-Aminoethyl)phosphonic acid Supplier Page
Catalog Number T4703
Alternative Name(s) 2-Aminoethylphosphonic acid , Ciliatine , 2-AEP
Research Area Metabolism|||Others
Molecular Formula C2H8NO3P
CAS# 2041-14-7
Purity 99.46%
Size 200 mg
Supplier Page https://www.targetmol.com/compound/(2-Aminoethyl)phosphonic acid
Additional Information https://www.targetmol.com/datasheet/T4703