
4-Aminothiophenol (p-aminothiophenol, PATP) is an aromatic thiol. The self-assembly of silver and gold nano particles which are interconnected with 4-ATP to form metal-molecule-metal sandwich architecture has been characterized by surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) using an off-surface plasmon resonance condition. Chemical transformation of PATP to 4,4-dimercaptoazobenzene (DMAB) has been extensively studied.

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Catalog Number CBB1111519
Alternative Name(s) 4-Mercaptoaniline; 4-Aminophenyl mercaptan; 4-Aminobenzenethiol
Molecular Formula H2NC6H4SH
CAS# 1193-02-8
Purity >97%
Inchi 1S/C6H7NS/c7-5-1-3-6(8)4-2-5/h1-4,8H,7H2
SMILES Nc1ccc(S)cc1
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Supplier Page https://www.amerigoscientific.com/4-aminothiophenol-item-111519.html